Earth Archetypes ILLUSTRATED!

Come Play a Part



Conducts experiments and controls to track the precision of nature


Calculates ecology and economy to imitate the systems of nature


Bridges gaps and divides to facilitate connections with nature


Provokes emotion and expression to imagine a future with nature


Attunes body and intuition to sense the intimacy of nature

Across a spectrum of colors, skills, traits, and expressions...

The 5 Earth Archetypes are coming to life...

To animate reciprocal relationships with nature


Imagine each Earth Archetype at 5 years old.

They come to the planet with their own unique personalities (as any mother will tell you!) Yet they are still learning, growing, and creating core memories.

So in addition to a color, each Kid Earth Archetype has a TOY. Just like human kids learn adult skills like cooking, driving, building, etc with toy versions of adult tools.

Of course, they are encouraged to enjoy all the colors and play with all the toys, but by their very nature gravitate towards certain ones.


After the teenage years where they constantly try combinations of toys and clothes, testing boundaries, and differentiating themselves...

Imagine each Earth Archetype as mothers and fathers, employees and entrepreneurs, 20something and elders...

Their experiences have developed into refined skills, habits, and traits. Yet (hopefully) they remain open and curious to what life and nature will share.

So their colors remain while their toys have become stitched into their clothes as they become part of the interconnected fabric of life.

A "Climate Love Language"

Not a prescription but a way to...

Get Started

For millennia, humans have personified symbols and images to represent core truths about ourselves, our cultures, and our systems.

Cave drawings. Origin stories. Sacred geometry. Hieroglyphics. Oracle cards. Bead, pottery, or fabric patterns. Combining life lessons and natural law condensed into stories filled with meaning.

Nowadays we tend to hold that a similar (yet disposable) energy with celebrities, fashion, and how to lists on one side and graphs, equations, and statistics on another.

Earth Archetypes works to bridge the gap between the two styles.

By Eritreanfreedomfighter on Wikipedia

To have a "hook" that serves as a starting point -- just like many couples therapists will tell you that Love Languages is a great place to start (but not end)...

In order to animate a deeper core truth that we ARE nature. Our lungs breathe the air that makes up the layers of atmosphere. Our hands plant trees as animals spread seeds across a forest through fur and digestion. Our bodies wake and rest in a rhythm attuned to the Earth's rotation.

Can you see how this could be a HUGE jump for many people to go from hook to core? Existential even.

Just like puppets, cartoons, and superheroes... The Earth Archetypes illustrations help us get there.

Show Don't Tell

Being in relationship with nature...

Is a way of being

"Show don't tell" is an common phrase used in everything from marketing to neuroscience.

We are much more likely to learn something new, be persuaded, take action, and make changes...through story, demonstration, or experience. Our brains are wired for it.

Stats and figures may induce a curious "Oh that's interesting!" like the one right next to these words your are reading right now...

But a story with relatable characters ignites our passion, eagerness, and commitment.

And by making the 5 Earth Archetypes rather one dimensional with both superpowers and challenges, they invite you to explore how to create a reciprocal relationship with nature in 3, 4, or even 5 dimensions.

Let's give it a go....

Pick any two of the Earth Archetypes.

Perhaps you identify with both. Or one represents you and another represents someone you know. Or perhaps you pick two that feel contradictory.

Then place them in a scenario.

Sitting down at a family meal. A town hall about a climate initiative. A meeting at work. Working in a community garden.

Now imagine...

How does each Earth Archetypes want in to the scenario? What is their goal and how do they contribute? Do their superpowers or weaknesses arise? Do they compliment or challenge each other? Do we learn from their mistakes or their successes?

How'd Your Story Go?

Ready to see it drawn NOW?

Or want some help making it clearer?

That's the next step here at Earth Archetypes!

Creator Amber and Illustrator Mateo want to help bring your vision to life! Perhaps you want Amber to help craft your scenario or story... and/or perhaps you want Mateo to draw it out with his master drawing skills.

We are excited to do just that!

As we work together in community, the goal is to create enough illustrations to fill a coloring book with images of such combinations and scenarios. Think of it like a book full of story prompts that you color while imagining the what's possible when we relate with the Earth.

By practicing with the illustrations first, we are then excited to develop full story lines that can be written as graphic novels for grades 1-5. Imagine kiddos around the whole reading about how they can use their skills and resources to love and connect with planet, self, and others.

Your imagination and support will get us there!

Let's Animate this Planetary Love Story!

🌎 Because our relationship with nature matters 🌎

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