An unscripted series that dares to partner artists with ecologists in a 30 day outdoor social experiment and ask…

“What will radical climate projects reveal about the heights of discovery, the depths of relationship, and the mess in between?”

Imagine the vulnerable drama of reality series Too Hot To Handle meets the educational storytelling of The Nature of Things…

Climate change is our reality.

So how about some reality tv about it?

After all, 1/3 of Americans watch it!

As the time ticks and the moon wanes, the four art and ecology pairs will ride the wave of challenges, successes, and messes in the quest for climate solutions. For example, imagine a fabric artist and soil scientist creating a regenerative fabric by mimicking soil’s structure.

With camera crews capturing each moment in real time, the resulting eight episodes will allow audiences an intimate peek into how they collaborate and innovate on a daily basis.

Our eight participants will also get handheld cameras to serve as a video diary to share lonely frustrations, eureka moments, and practical jokes. Of course, we will also have a few tricks up our sleeve like special dinner guests, off site excursions, and challenges that replicate previous experiments about awe -- all leading to the final project showcase.

Decidedly not a competition, the focus will always be on the relationship cliffhangers that mirror our planetary cliffhanger.
