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Discover and Delight in How the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle Comes to Life Each Week!

Seasons of the Celtic Year

Take a Walk with Me

May 09, 20245 min read

Hi Amber. Was just reflecting on our conversation from a few days ago, and I really appreciated how you reframed what I was saying as a relationship with nature - just goes to show how much our thinking can change with the specific words we use. - Yeva Mkhoyan

When I met Yeva via a zoom call, I instantly felt a kinship. Her curiosity, reflection, and intention instantly came through the screen. We talked about her work in law and her desire to shift to climate. And for her, connecting environmental work to spirituality is really important. So clearly, she has done a lot of thinking around the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle. Yet, the concept of relationship was new and impactful. This is why I'm passionate about the work of Earth Archetypes to tell climate stories from stage to screen and marketing to membership. Because "our thinking can change with the specific words we use."

As such, this post begins the new format for the blog moving forward. Each week, I will share stories, information, helpful tips, resources, and more for each step in the Reciprocity Cycle. Starting with...

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Beltane marked my second high holy day at White Mountain Druid Sanctuary. Even with drenching rain, we sang songs to ancestors and spirits, gave offerings of carrots and poetry, and danced together around the Maypole to celebrate the beginning of summer. Then over food and fire, we talked late into the night about everything from climate change to the musical Kinky Boots.

It was odd, yet perfect.

Now, I've certainly been part of honoring equinoxes, solstices, and the cross quarter days that fall in between for a long time now. I'm not actually sure how or when I started. But I do know that I started setting a yearly meditation on the Winter Solstice over 20 years ago. In fact, this year my focus is specifically on the seasons of the Celtic Year. The verbs on this circle is what drew me to it the most. I wanted to explore how my life did (or did not) follow this pattern or action.

Seasons of the Celtic Year

And as is the way of intention and synchronicity, I was introduced to White Mountain stewarded by Rev. Kirk a few days before the Spring Equinox. With limited knowledge of what to expect, I listened to the nudge and traveled there to walk the land and celebrate with others. On that night of balance, something shifted for me as I heard language my blood and bones had been seeking for some time.


I HAVE been focused on how vital this word is as our species re-establishes a healthy relationship with the planet. That's why the first iteration of Earth Archetypes was actually Earth Relationship. It's such a driving force that I ask every Earthmates Podcast guest about it. Heck, one of my catch phrases is "Climate is simply a relationship." And I often pause after saying it because people nod and take it in for a bit -- like happened in my conversation with Yeva.

Yet on this journey, a sense of imposter syndrome was present. My ancestors DID have a give and take relationship with the land. But it's been several centuries worth of generations. And in it's place an exploitative relationship has developed despite my yearning for something more intertwined. Thus, feeling it in my blood and bones can feel like a big effort -- despite powerful ceremonies I've been blessed to be a part of.

So as that Spring Equinox centered on a rite of reciprocity, I knew I was in the right place. Kirk has literally written the book on it -- where he describes the subtle and complex integration of personal commitment, devotion and reciprocal offerings that begin and sustain with the Gods and Spirits. All based on the relationships of my ancestors.

So as I returned for Beltane, I embraced the phrase that greets all humans as we enter the White Mountain Druid Sanctuary: "I give so that You may give."

At the entrance of the White Mountain Druid Sanctuary

Discover Your Earth Archetype

For the past two weeks, Earthmates Podcast has dripped out a two part interview with Weaver Earth Archetype Stephanie Zhong. Reflecting on it, this seems like a perfect Weaver thing to do.

It especially makes me think of one of the Weaver questions on the new Earth Archetypes quiz.

When addressing problems, I work to bridge gaps and bring things, ideas, and people together.

What I have discovered is that people who are NOT Weavers are often quite confused by what "bridge gaps" means. I wrote and rewrote the question and example several times trying to add clarity. Not even really sure if I'm there yet.

However, those that have strong Weaver tendencies often love this question immediately. As Stephanie brought up in the interview, for her it's like the old commercial where "You got peanut butter in my chocolate." To this Earth Archetype, bridging gaps is a natural and even obvious process -- which can be a double edged sword.

Those struggling to see it can feel left out. And for those whom it comes easy? They can feel wrong or alienated -- until they recognize it for the superpower it is and help others bridge the gap.

Work Together in Community

Last weeks' blog launched the founding community here at Earth Archetypes. I so appreciate everyone who reached out to learn more! And if you haven't yet, you are welcome to shoot me a message. because we still have a few spots.

For a quick glimpse at what's happening check out the video below. Would love to be in closer community with you and introduce y'all to one another too!

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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