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Home, Belonging & A Pause

May 30, 20244 min read

It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way. So we must dig and delve unceasingly. - Claude Monet

This week I feel a bit in limbo as I wait to hear important news, navigate others working on the creation of multiple aspects of Earth Archetypes,'ll read about it in the "Work Together in Community" step of the newsletter below.

So this newsletter is a bit more on the reflective side -- digging into the why behind all we're doing together. Would love to hear your reflections.

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Home is such a big four letter word.

Home is where the heart is.

Basketball home game.

Foster home.

Tiny home.

Home address.

Home town.

Home lands.

Homing pigeon.

And that's just using the word.

Migration, immigration, culture, investments, security, ancestors, and so much more are wrapped into a word that is deeply subconscious.

It's certainly one I've struggled with throughout my lifetime.

One I can't even say I've fully figured out.

But it's part of the reason when I heard "Earth is your home. Arts are your skillset." back in 2016, I could feel the potency.

And why every turn around the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle, home feels a little bit different.

More spacious. More embodiment. More reciprocal.

Like a truth only found in layers of sediment, air, and ozone.

Earth in space

Discover Your Earth Archetype

I've been doing a lot of thinking about how Earth Archetypes are a wide mix of things: physics, systems theory, character, myth, naming, distillation, and so much more.

But just like the tv shows I'm working on are best simplified as reality tv to help people grok my storytelling...

I've found that comparing Earth Archetypes to 1 thing has helped a lot. What is it?

Love Languages.

The phenomenon that started with a husband and wife, then into couples therapy, next into a book, moving onto 20 million copies sold, and now a shortcut for ways we EXPRESS LOVE...

Earth Archetypes is a shortcut for ways we EXPERIENCE BELONGING.

With the foundation being that Earth is Our Home...

We each have a gift to bring to the world. A way that we belong.

The Earth Archetypes help us quite the noise enough to discover what we bring to the world just through out very beings.

With climate being the ultimate relationship, showing up as ourselves is so important.

And we aren't all meant to do the same thing.

In fact, we have the opportunity to celebrate all the ways we can be connected with planet, self, and others.

For example....

Back in history for many of us and wonderfully current for others...

Communities held naming ceremonies.

The gift of one's name highlighted the unique potential we each hold to contribute.

Earth Archetypes and the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle are designed to help navigate a path on that journey... towards belonging.

Discover your Earth Archetype

Work Together in Community

When I launched the Earthmates Podcast, I was so excited for this week. It was going to be the time when I would finally have an interview up with all 5 Earth Archetypes. Each type would have a voice that I could shine a light on to highlight real life examples and stories.

And I got close.

I have 4 of the types up, plus the origin story solo episode and a special guest episode. And I was well on my way to completing this milestone. The raw footage for the fifth one was in DaVinci Resolve. I'd edited it down to 1:01. I'd had the joy of listening to Kawenniiosta's words for hours upon hours. All the copy was done and ready to share. Until....

Well...see...there's this step in the editing process called rendering. It's a process of merging all the individual media files used in the creation of the video into a single file.

And that's where the trouble and hours doubled.

For whatever matter what caches I cleared, audio delays I compensated for, tricks up my sleeve...I just couldn't get one audio file to cooperate. Finally, after 15 hours of work, it was the night before release, and I had to call it.

A podcast sabbatical.

Hopefully Kawenniiosta and I can re-record once the attention her regenerative farm needs is more manageable. Her story is definitely one to hear!

So much so, that I took a friend's advice and made it into a rough transcript.

If you'd like access, you can join any of the Earth Archetype tiers on the platform that works best for you.

Here's a link for you to pick. Not sure which one? Go with the one on top :)

Your support will help me keep moving forward through the ups and the downs.

Where I promise to share all kinds of goodies -- including moments like this where we make lemons into lemonade.

blog author image

Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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