“[The Importance of Being Earnest] is exquisitely trivial, a delicate bubble of fancy, and it has its philosophy…That we should treat all the trivial things of life very seriously, and all the serious things of life with sincere and studied triviality." -- Oscar Wilde, from a January 1895 interview with Robbie Ross, published in the St. James Gazette
What happens when "earnest" is used as a criticism? What does that say about both comedy and drama? Or even the theater of climate and politics unfolding before us? Let's explore through the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle.
"Emergence" is the science of evolution in nature -- and thus in us. It's a disruption that's almost unexplainable.
But based on the teachings of Physicist Fritjof Capra, I learned that emergence happens when 2 things (molecules, elements, organisms) come in contact and start to bounce off each other. Then the energy speeds up -- the bouncing becomes faster and more sporadic.
And then wha-la! A change.
It's as if the pen that had been graphing this bouncing lifts right off the paper and lands on a new spot.
So we know this chaotic energy is needed for leaps of growth.
Perhaps that's the drama of it all.
Yet, where we humans call home is a very delicate solid state. A specific global temperature with wind and water patterns. Networks of flora and fauna. Balance of carbon and oxygen.
As Probable Futures illustrates, our specializations and societies are built on the stability of the Earth's systems.
Quite "earnest" isn't it?
So why are we living lives that are causing climate chaos?
Earth will evolve.
But us?
Can we shift our need for chaos towards radical, critical hope and action?
Toward healthy, reciprocal relationship?
And earnest love?
People that I've worked with on the unscripted show "How on Earth?" are ready to help me make it happen.
Why? Well some of the things I've heard include...
"Nothing like this exists and needs to!"
"You have really streamlined the concepts, stories and the overall aesthetic. I am not overwhelmed by the show, as someone who has fear around the state of our Earth, but because you’ve so clearly outlined the WHY and the WHAT, I am thoroughly engaged in the HOW… great work."
Yet, those that have some issue with the show are now starting to repeat a common word.
One that's come up with enough frequency, that it makes me think of how in theater we say...
"That's an interesting choice."
Yet rather than focusing on individual choices and moments...
"Earnest" seems to be a code word for a show concept that has an undesired tone.
One that is not flashy, scary, adrenaline junkie, true crime, a-list celebrity enough.
Yet, I've had enough people ask "Where can I watch it?" to know that an audience is there.
What may need to pop more is the deep level of transformation, belonging, and HUMOR that will also happen in the show.
Just like the way security at Oregon Country Fair includes 3 elements to every interaction: business, respect, and FUN...
Just like training through Good Grief Network takes groups on a 10 step journey from frozen dread to hopeful action...
Just like laughter yoga releases endorphins and reduces stress hormones...
Just like so many earth based stories involve mischief through trickster figures like coyote, Eshu, and Lugh...
Just like as a relationship coach, I hold space infused with both patience and humor for clients to experience clear, honest expressions and agreements when they are used to holding desires in fear and taboo.
Laughter connects us, teaches us, and reminds us to not take ourselves to seriously -- too earnestly.
How do you infuse humor into your life stories, big challenges, and Earth Archetype? LMK!
As I reflect on the word "earnest" in connection to this step in the Reciprocity Cycle, I think of the work of Esther Perel.
In her experience supporting couples through therapy -- especially due to infidelity -- she came to a brilliantly clear understanding of 2 dynamic forces at odds with each other in erotic relationships.
Security and Freedom.
And considering that she defines eroticism as "not sex per se, but the qualities of vitality, curiosity, and spontaneity that make us feel alive"...
These two aspects of the erotic seem to be bound together and at odds with each other as we work together in community.
So perhaps when "earnest" is used, people are feeling "security" a little too much -- despite the anxiety of climate change, desire to belong, and cravings for easy solutions.
Where is the "freedom?"
Is this tied to a sense of agency and empowerment? Is this the desire to stand out? Or cravings for super hero qualities?
As I ponder the balance between these two, I offer the emotion of "awe."
It's a potent one filled with transformation and connection.
Where we see ourselves as small -- but in a GOOD way.
In a way where we play a part in something larger than ourselves.
A way where the largeness supports our security and our uniqueness expresses our freedom.
Awe seems so powerful in that regard that I'm working with Oregon Humanities to lead conversations around "The Science and Story of Awe."
Reach out if you're in Oregon and would like to discuss exploring the topic with your community.