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Hollywood Climate Summit

I'm Going to Hollywood!

June 20, 20243 min read

“Now in its fifth year, the Hollywood Climate Summit organizes high-energy events and coordinates creative partnerships for cross-sector media professionals to level up their climate knowledge, align strategies, deepen intersectional values, showcase innovation, and lead a cultural movement of sustained climate action. In short, we’re bringing climate solutions to the mainstream and creating a bit of healthy FOMO along the way.”

In this week's Earthmates Podcast episode with Heather Fipps, we discussed meeting at the Hollywood Climate Summit last year and her unique perspective as a co-founder of the event. As I gear up for my second year, here's how I see intersections with the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle.

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Yep, I am flying to LA to attend. And yep, I know that's an issue. I also know, that my economy seat to have a whole bunch of meetings in one very full week is the the most economical way I could use those carbon credits.

Then when I am in LA, I have a plan to walk and bus as much as I can. I'm actually very much looking forward to the hour long walk I scheduled into the day to get from my hostel to the venue each day. I'll get to feel the sunlight. Become aware of the Earth I'm visiting. Take a moment to be present with this 2.5 miles of the world.

Plus, the bus will take me home at night. Help me stretch my radius for key meetings. And give me time to catch up on emails, texts, and the like.

LA hiking

Hike I went on in LA after HCS last year

Discover Your Earth Archetype

Heading into this event, I'm expecting to be surrounded by a lot of Metaphor Archetypes. Filmmakers, actors, designers, and artists of all sorts. As a result, I'm prepping several visual elements to share. A postcard. Business card. 60 second sizzle reel. Pitch decks. One pagers. They will be looking for how I translate ideas into a dynamic, compelling story.

I also expect to connect with a bunch of Weavers. Producers. Activists. Managers. People that will respect the budgets, production plans, and community outreach I've used to build all of my projects.

And I'm excited for the smattering of Network Types that will be present to share knowledge we all need to to make sure our stories ranging from tornadoes to Spirit Rangers are grounded in the systems and forces that shape our planet.

Here's a peak at the panel of speakers I'm most excited about:

Unscripted Panel

Work Together in Community

The creators of Hollywood Climate Summit also acknowledge how important it is to have diverse voices working together. This big mix of Earth Archetypes is part of what I love about the event. They emphasize the power of self determination for those living an experience to have a say in that experience.

And this year, I love that they are expanding this throughout their programming by how opening up how they define entertainment. This year, the top echelon of the film industry will keep their seats on the panels, but they will share the stage not only with activists but also fashionistas, gamers, musicians, and more!

Here's to creating some healthy FOMO along the way!

Final Mentions

A huge thank you to Hollywood Climate Summit and From the Heart Productions for making my entry into the event accessible this year!

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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