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Evolution of Awe

Evolution of Awe

June 13, 20243 min read

What are we to make of the various meanings of 'the chills'? That they accompany awe and terror? Bliss and dread? Ecstasy and horror? Union with the Divine and condemnation? - Dacher Keltner

In honor of this week's Earthmates Podcast episode "The Science and Story of Awe," this blog is gonna focus on how our species evolved to experience awe. It's interesting how the current thinking about it relates to the the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle.

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

AWE: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How

In his book "AWE: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life," researcher Dacher Keltner describes how science views the mammalian beginnings of awe.

First, something in nature creates an intense feeling in us -- like a lightening bolt or a predator stalking.

One of the main physical responses is 2 very different forms of chills.

1. Cold shivers (or shudders) come from a sensation of horror or dread. This often includes a feeling of being depraves, alienated, alone, separate, and condemned.

2. Tingles (or goosebumps) may cover our whole body when we feel moved by excitement, joy, and thrilling mysteries.

These differences highlight both the importance individual interpretation and a supportive community.

Lets cycle into...

Discover Your Earth Archetype

There are some things that the vast majority of people will agree is horrific and/or beautiful.

But based on your lived experiences and habitual outlook, many more experiences are up for interpretation.

And this definitely applies to awe.

Because awe is the result of experiencing vastness and changing as a result, your nervous system will have a large effect on your response.

So will your skills, personality traits, superpowers, and shadows.

As an example, I remember going through a 10 day meditation process. It was rough. My body was reliving a lot of previous trauma. Then on day 6 or 7, something interesting happened...

My whole body got goosebumps and tears came to my eyes after seeing a relatively common sunrise.

The feeling was beautiful -- and also quite overwhelming. Considering all I'd been through in my life and in this mediation process, I didn't know how I could handle this new response. And I felt terrified of the possibility of it happening on a regular basis.

That's where I am grateful for the next step in the cycle...

Work Together in Community

Throughout the meditation process, I was greatly supported by my assistant teacher.

During my next opportunity to talk with her, I shared about the sunset, and she helped me interpret this feeling within the context of beauty, vulnerability, and presence.

Though she didn't hug me, her words felt like one.

And this reflects Keltner's research...

Maintaining body temperature is vital to our survival. When this is at risk, social mammals like us have a fantastic reflex: huddle. The closeness also releases oxytocin (a feel good neurochemical) and soothes our vagus nerve (which is a key player in fight or flight).

So when we experience roaring water, wild wind gusts, or sunrises, this huddling will not only help us survive but thrive.

But what if we don't get that? What if we are left out in the cold?

That's when shudders happen -- along with a whole different physical response.

For example, our blood pressure increases and the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (threat-related areas of the brain) activates.

Returning to our modern world, these two scenarios highlight the importance of working together in community.

We can soothe one another or alienate each other.

As we face the truly awe-some task of living through climate change, we will experience both peril and beauty.

Coming together is how we can remain safe and comforted.

And in those huddles, we have the potential to create solutions to Acknowledge Earth is Our Home...

Earthmates Podcast

Watch the episode that inspired this blog by clicking on the image.

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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