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Candles, Sizzles, and more for SxSW

March 06, 20254 min read

The mission of SXSW is to help creative people achieve their goals. One way we do this is by fostering an environment for engaging, thought-provoking conversations and experiences." -- SxSW

After months of focusing on preparation for SxSW, these past few days have been the final push. In fact, as you read about some of what I did, I may be on a plane. Here's to making the most of the next 11 days!

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Many Earth based practices include methods and techniques to communicate with subtle energies. Some of these were turned into god forms to help make them relatable to us humans and give them texture and shape.

One of the things I appreciate about my experiences with Druidism is that it's emphasized that it's an orthopractic NOT orthodoxic tradition. This means that no believing is required. It's something we put into practice.

And back at the winter solstice, I was introduced to candle magic. A method to ask, pray, meditate, and all around put your intention out while getting clarity in the process.

As I prepare for SxSW, I knew I was already investing a lot of time, work, finances, and more to attend and make the most out of it. And I felt called to do this candle ritual to feel more in balance with the energetic side of the equation.


So for the past 4 nights, I have lit all 5 candles and let them burn until the 4 small, white candles extinguished. With the large yellow candle always at the center, the white candles slowly got closer and closer until last night they nearly touched the center.

With it's Brigid image wrapped around the center in honor of this time between Imbolc and Spring Equinox that Druids keep her front of mind, I gave the white candles her 3 aspects (healing, poetry, metal smithing) and the final one by ask for SxSW.

Finally, I gave each of the four nights a focus on one of the themes of the white candles -- building the spiral around the center one at a time. And each time, I pulled a card to give insights on what I need and/or can gain from each.

Night one, I lit them and worked at my computer with the lights in my periphery.

Night two, I lay with their light while taking an epsom salt bath.

Night three included more computer work but also a time of sitting as the white candles burned out one by one and my body went in and out of dream state.

Night four, I sit writing this to you. Expecting to burn bright long into the night as I finish preparations for my flight to Austin.

This is also the night the center candle stays safely lit all night long.

And so it is.

Discover Your Earth Archetype

My Metaphor Earth Archetype is all kinds of happy today.

With the support of my amazing editor Liz Irons, I have a sizzle reel to bring to SxSW!

"What's a sizzle reel?" you ask?

Well, just like a trailer is created after a film is shot in order to get audiences excited about a show...

A sizzle reel is an important part of the development process of a film or tv show.

It's used to explain and entice a show concept to partners, funders, investors, etc.

And the hope is anyone who seems that says, "I want that made!"

Work Together in Community

One of the reasons I'm excited to attend SxSW for the first time this is because it seems like such a good example of this step of the Reciprocity Cycle.

With an umbrella of showcasing innovation, events celebrate everything from fashion to AI, film to climate, music to start-ups, and so much more!

In fact, I was talking with one of the main people helping to organize PNW Climate Week and suggested he look at all the tracks.

Because when I emphasized that we need an entertainment or culture track, I could tell he was on a learning curve in how that fit with climate.

In fact, his idea of including fashion was only from the technology and manufacturing viewpoint.

And though this is certainly true...

So are things like marketing transparency and trends.

I'm excited to meet everyone from Michele Obama to Esther Perel and NASA astronauts to venture capitalists.

PS. Next week I will be in the thick of all this and may forget my own name. So if I miss the weekly blog, please forgive me. I'll be back with stories to tell!

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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