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Earth Archetypes


February 20, 20254 min read

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" -- Dr. Suess

My birthday is coming up, and I've been having interesting convos with folks about the meaning such days hold for them. It's quite the wide spectrum full of emotions, expectations, self worth, and even forgetfulness. As I ponder birthdays from an Earth Archetype lens, the word that comes up is "Welcome."

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

On the day we are born, Earth becomes our home.

We officially move from a warm, liquid womb full of nutrients and growth to a relationship with air, land, water, and fire.

In many ways, this song by Carrie Newcomer comes to mind.

The challenge is that our ability to return that welcome with gratitude and stewardship has become twisted.

To the point that many are wondering whether to have kids or not.

And it's a question fueled by everything from science's "carbon legacy" calculations to living an embodied legacy of our ancestors.

So as my birthday approaches, I reflect on the word "welcome."

What does it really mean? How does it unfold in relationship? How can I reciprocate?

Welcome home.

Discover Your Earth Archetype

From the very beginning, I have emphasized that the Earth Archetypes are not about putting people in a box.

It's a framework to help people on their journey to understanding what having a relationship with nature can look like for them.

And one of the tricky elements about the skills, traits, resources, etc that make up each type is the nature vs nurture question.

What is inherent from popping out of the womb? What is developed and built through life norms and decisions?

Many moms with multiple kids will remark on how each one's personalities were unique from day one. Even I often wonder about how me and my two full blooded siblings turned out so different even within the same family challenges, small towns, food sources, and more.

And yet we know that culture shapes us at a core level. Traditions, expectations, systems, privileges, religions, languages, and oh so much more.

Plus, the Earth around us has a powerful influence. Are you from flat lands filled with lakes, high altitude mountains with rivers, or tidal coastlines between land and sea?

Who you are at all these many levels matters in your relationship with the planet.

If you are stuck wondering how to put all these variables into action, you are welcome to take the Earth Archetype quiz to get started.

Work Together in Community

Growing up, bdays were kinda all over the map for me.  Sometimes celebrated, sometimes ignored, sometimes a source of guilt or even danger.  This uncertainty didn't make me feel necessarily welcome.

I remember starting to create what I wanted on my golden birthday  -- aka when I turned 23. 

So many friends had golden bdays at McDonald's growing up.  And in our poor small town, this was a big deal.  At the time, 23yo felt like foooooooorrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeevvvvvvvvveeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

So on my 23rd (which would have been my first time having a bit of disposal income), I took myself to McDonald's.  

In my 30s I had huge, intentional gatherings.  After choosing an image/quote/collage/poem/etc to meditate on for the year on the Winter Solstice, I used my bday to create experiences for my friends revolving around it.  And as an event producer, I had some ways to make magic happen!  

Now, I waffle about how much time/energy to give it.  2 years ago, I made plans with a friend the night of my bday without telling her.  Though she found out and welcomed me at the door with a cupcake and singing the bday song :). 

This year, I invited a group of friends to help me accomplish a task on my to-do list that I realized would be best infused with love from my community. A semi-permanent Blanket Fort!

One friend who loves to rock climb and hang a maze of hammocks in the summer is helping me figure out the rigging situation. Then over the weekend, I invited close friends to help me build it with a huge pile of sheets, fabrics, and blankets. Then we can hop in and enjoy the cuddles!

I'm excited to welcome all the different people and personalities that come together to help me create the magic my nervous system craves right now to keep doing the work.

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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