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Earth Archetypes

Love Languages (for the Earth)

February 13, 20255 min read

It's important to respect differences in how we all give and receive love. Most of us tend to love others the same way we want to be loved but this doesn't work when you have different love languages. Therefore, increasing your awareness and respect of diversity of love languages is an important first step." -- Dr. Wyatt Fisher

Love Languages changed the conversation about giving and receiving love. Previously, mainstream US culture didn't have an understanding that we love in different ways. Now it's so widespread that we say things like "My love language is iced coffee or sarcasm." Ariana Grande even has a song titled "Love Language." Creating a similar cultural zeitgeist about being in relationship with Earth in different ways is a key component of Earth Archetypes. During this Valentine's week, let's dig into it!

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Every framework we humans create contains foundational beliefs and/or understandings.

Take the age old argument with Galileo. Though it was widely accepted by his time that the Earth is round, he got in trouble for focusing on the theory that the Earth orbits the Sun instead of what was accepted at the time -- that Earth is at the center of all the celestial bodies.

These frameworks highlight what is valued and potentially at stake.

For example, all the relationship reality tv shows (Love Island, Love is Blind, The Ultimatum, The Bachelor, etc) show that tv audiences value the core concept that romantic relationships are such a key part of happiness that all the time, energy, resources, and drama to experience, make, and watch the shows are "of course" worth it.

When it comes to Love Languages, the framework depends on the belief that giving and receiving love in ways that truly connect us is essential to our wellbeing.

The framework of Earth Archetypes also start with a simple value: Earth is our home.

Like a heartbeat we barely notice, Earth's rhythms pulse through our daily lives. The morning sunlight that wakes us, the fresh air that energizes us, the water that refreshes us, the soil that grows our food - these aren't just resources, they're expressions of a living relationship we're already part of.

Sometimes this connection feels obvious, like when we dig our hands into garden soil or watch a sunset paint the sky. Other times it's subtle, present in the plants that brighten our built homes or the birds whose songs drift through our windows. Every cup of tea, every bite of food, every breath connects us to Earth's generous web of life.

An embrace wide enough to welcome all our different ways of connecting, creating, and caring.

Discover Your Earth Archetype

Love Languages developed when Gary Chapman noticed first in his own marriage and then in couples we was supporting....

That people may have been giving love in the way they understood it, but the other person did not receive these ways as love. After trying and failing, the couples reached the point of crisis. Asking, "What can I do?"

Just like Earth Archetypes, Love Languages answer that with "Who are you?"

With the LL structure, couples now have an easy framework to experiment with, communicate through, and discover anew.

Similarly, Earth Archetypes can help you explore meaningful ways to engage with nature.

Both systems acknowledge there's no "right" way - different approaches are equally valid.

In fact, each of us may want, need, and/or express different ones at different times.

However, one or two (perhaps even three) will feel most natural.

So how do you communicate and act on this this clearly?

The very names of the 5 Love Languages reveal corresponding actions: Physical Touch, Quality Time, Service, Words of Affirmation, and Gifts.

The Earth Archetypes are a bit more existential and require some reflection of your life and place in it.

That's why the quiz questions are open for interpretation.

Perhaps you have skills and resources that you've built over time. Or perhaps your traits and ways of moving in the world align with an Earth Archetype.

For this Valentine special, here are some ways each of the 5 Earth Archetypes can reveal ideas for actionable love...

  • Molecule: citizen science projects or data collection for conservation efforts

  • Network: sustainable business practices or community recycling programs

  • Weaver: green spaces that bring communities together or educational programs that connect people with nature.

  • Metaphor: environmental art installations or compelling narratives

  • Embodiment: nature connection mindfulness practices or workshops

Work Together in Community

Both Love Languages and Earth Archetypes offer a framework to understand ourselves and communicate what's possible more clearly...

We can then better appreciate and learn from others who connect with nature differently.

We stop judging other styles as "wrong."

We bridge unnecessary divisions.

We start seeing the value in unique contributions.

All of this is wonderful!

It's also where Love Languages stops. LLs are intended for 1:1 relationships between humans. In fact, Gary Chapman has gotten some criticism recently for the limits in his research and conclusions.

Earth Archetypes from the very beginning are about working together as fellow living beings on planet Earth.

After all, we are not only PART of nature, we ARE nature.

Like nature, we are healthiest and most resilient when diverse.

Imagine this real world example about addressing water pollution:

  • Molecules gather data about local water pollution

  • Networks analyze how it affects the community ecosystem

  • Weavers develop programs to connect stakeholders

  • Metaphors create compelling visuals that help people understand the impact

  • Embodiments help people develop personal connections to the waterway

As history shows and current chaos is where we thrive!

Now that's a Valentine's party I can celebrate 💜

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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