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farmers market flowers

Markets, Metaphors, and Caricatures

May 23, 20244 min read

We use metaphors to express our own truths. - Lynn Nottage

As I look at this week's 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle entries, they seem to be again from 3 different points on a map.

Yet, when I take just 60 seconds of quiet to ask, "Is there a thru line?"...

The word that comes to mind is "habits."

The habits of action we may need to challenge.

The habits of thought others help us see.

And the habits of being that can lead to characters and friends.

What habits do you have that could benefit from a little reflection time?

Here are mine...

Acknowledge Earth Is Our Home

Sometimes this step in the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle asks us to course correct.

This may be because of a specific thing we did or a habit we've created.

And just like any relationship, we may need to examine what our role was in a challenge and how to make amends.

In many ways, we are constantly learning and relearning how to do this with human relationships.

Love Languages. Attachment Styles. Reality TV Dating Shows. Romantic Comedies.

We've built numerous methods to do this.

Earth Archetypes is a method to do with the planet.

And with all the storytelling I do, the screen time can add up.

For example, I think that I've been inside my house for 2 days straight without feeling sunlight on my face.


And I've noticed this habit for awhile.

So this spring I decided to do something about it.

Thankfully, my former boss at the farmer's market was hiring for crew members.

We talked on Saturday and now I will devote my Saturdays to moving my body in the fresh air to help farmers and foodies alike.

Doing so will hold me accountable to walking the 3 Step Reciprocity Cycle each Saturday -- starting with acknowledging Earth is my Home as I wake up before the sun to join the crew.

Farmer's Market

Discover Your Earth Archetype

Part of the fun this week was publishing the "Environmental Content Creation with METAPHOR Isaias Hernandez" episode on Earthmates Podcast.


Because even through both Isaias and I are content creators and Metaphor types, our conversation shows the beauty of the diversity within these categories.

Just his moniker alone "QueerBrownVegan" are three things that I am not and give us unique perspectives to share with each other.

Plus, we have elements that intersect like a Venn Diagram. For example, we both grew up in poverty with chances to be "outdoors." Though he was in the urban center of LA 2 decades after I grew up on a farm in very rural Minnesota.

Oh, and did you notice my use of quotation marks above. That's because another interesting Venn Diagram is how we both came to realize that the outdoors isn't really a thing. After all, we ARE nature. Yet, our stories meant we came to that in different ways and times.

I'd love for you to give the episode a listen.

It helps illustrate why I suggest people first discover their Earth Archetypes and connect with others that have the same one. That way, we can root ourselves in our similarities, expand ourselves through each person's unique lens, and then open up to other types and living beings.

Environmental Content Creation with METAPHOR Isaias Hernandez

Work Together in Community

Have you seen the 80s gaming icons I currently use for the 5 Earth Archetypes?

80s game icons

They've been a meaningful but purposefully temporary set of symbols for about a year now.

I've always had in the back of my mind the goal to create a relatable caricature for each Earth Archetype. Then create little scenes where they interact in different settings.

In fact, one of the goals is to turn the Earth Archetypes into coloring books, graphic novels, young adult literature illustrations, and more!

Well, I'm happy to share that I just started working with an artist to create these caricatures!

Each Earth Archetype has already been assigned a color that the artist will use shades of to give each drawing dimension.

Hint: If you've gotten your Earth Archetype report, you've seen the color assigned to your type already!

Next up, we are deciding what an appropriate outfit will be for each and a symbolic prop they will carry with them.

Would love your suggestions for the prop and outfit.

Send 'em to us via the contact form!

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Amber Peoples

As the Chief Relationship Officer at Earth Archetypes, I help people connect to planet, self, and community through stories on screens and stages, marketing and membership.

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